- Friday, June 24, 2016
- By Ann

Hello guys! Life's been so busy lately and I feel like i need my 'me' time more. Yet for now,the only 'me time' that I really enjoy is when i'm doing my face care routine even is just a simple and quick face routine because it can release stress like magic.Thanks to Kawaii Beauty Japan who really understands my needs ,they sent me a set of Cowstyle Skin LiFE Face Care Series ; Cleansing Foam and Face Lotion just in time.You guys don't know I always wanted to try this product ever since I've tried Cowstyle Milky Body Soap and end up really like it!
Skin LiFE is a face care series from Cowstyle (Personal Care brand made in Japan) that keeping you skin extra moist with its dense and soft foam.With Skin LiFE , it's possible to get that flawless bare face for real ♥
Skin LiFE Face Care Function :
1. Firming and moist the skin by fix it into fine textured skin,acne free and smaller face pores.
2. Brighten the skin and Removes any dead skin cells around the pores
3.Oil-Free,Non Comedogenic and Allergy tested ( Please note ,there is possibility that some people still have chance to get acne and allergy problems)

How to use : 1.Skin LiFE Cleansing Foam (Wash)
then go with 2.Skin LiFE Face Lotion (Moisturizing)

❀Cowstyle Skin LiFE Cleansing Foam❀
Made in Japan
120 gr
Price : about IDR 57.000/bottle
Where to get (INDONESIA) :
AEON,Ranch Markat,Papaya,Grand Lucky
Online - Nadeko, Suka,mart , Tororo, Bilna
WORLDWIDE : Rakuten Global
Official Website : CowStyle Indonesia
Facebook : CowStyleID
Twitter : CowStyleID
Facebook : CowStyleID
Twitter : CowStyleID

Bests use it at evening after work, because it completely removes make up dirt,excess sebum and even blackhead.It also leaving skin moisturized with its 'fruit acid' ingredients.With these function,double cleansing is not necessary!

I really love its fresh peachy scent ~ really calming and relaxing

❀Cowstyle Skin LiFE Face Lotion❀
Made in Japan
150 mL
Price : about IDR 50.000/bottle

After washing your face with Skin LiFE Cleansing Foam,it's time to complete this simple face care routine step with Skin LiFE Face Lotion! It helps prevent acne ,maintain healthy look and even better extra moist the skin.

Unlike Skin LiFE Cleansing foam which is generally have a light fresh-fruity scent ,this Skin LiFE Face Lotion doesn't have any particular scent that i could remember.Later did i know, it's all because it's fragrance free which is very good for someone who have a sensitive skin in order to minimize any irritation risk.
Speaking about scent, I kinda questioning the necessity of giving it inside the ingredients list.See ,when you follow the rules ; use the Face Lotion as last step,the scent of the Cleansing Foam would be slowly vanished just because the Face Lotion is scentless.So what's the point of giving it at first place? Would it be even better,if they make it scentless too?
As someone with a normal skin type, I started to give this products. I love how Skin LiFE Cleansing Foam easily lather ,gently cleanse my face without making it feels tight and dry while Skin LiFE Face Lotion gives fresh feeling after use.
Plus, they are pretty good helping reduce redness caused by acne just like the brand claimed. One day, I got this one potential-acne in my forehead yet i didn't apply any, particularly just to test out whether Skin LiFE really works for this acne thing.To my surprise, it really is! In just one day the redness is slowly disappeared ! Well ,I wonder what if this product used by someone who has acne prone and oily skin? Maybe they would feel more significant effect than me.
RATE 4/5
For someone out there who want to keep your skin healthy with a simple face care routine during your busy day
Why wouldn't you give these two a try ;)